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Neck and Chin Lipo

Everyone wants to look into the mirror and like the image reflected back to them.  A streamlined profile can do wonders for an individual’s confidence and approach to the world.  Unfortunately, whether caused by hereditary factors, weight-related issues, or the aging process, a double chin is something that thousands of people struggle with on a daily basis. Up to 68% of Americans have stated that their dissatisfaction with their chin looks.

Fortunately, there are minimally invasive procedures that can alleviate the unwanted features and help craft the desired aesthetic.  One of the most common methods is chin and neck liposuction.  Nearly a quarter of a million people each year undergo some form of liposuction.  At The Plastic Surgery Center, our staff can customize a treatment plan for each patient that sets them on their way to the look they’ve always wanted.

neck and chin lipo shreveport

What is Chin Lipo?

Neck and chin liposuction procedures consist of small incisions under the skin that allow for a small tube to be placed into the affected area and suck out excess fatty tissue.  A local anesthetic numbs the general area being treated. 

Who are the Candidates for Neck and Chin Lipo?

While every individual should consult with their surgeon on if they are a good candidate for the procedure, liposuction of the chin and neck area is an option for many people, provided they are having issues with the following:

  • A “double chin”
  • Extra fat deposits under the chin and jaw
  • Unwanted neck definition
  • A “weak chin”
  • Your skin tone is good, but you still have excess fatty tissue

Whether or not a chin liposuction procedure will be successful also depends on the elasticity and tone of your skin.  Individuals in their 20s and 30s most commonly see the best results, while patients in their early 40s still fall under reasonable candidates.  People in their late 40s and 50s might lack the appropriate skin tone for liposuction and would be better served with another form of procedure.

How is a Chin and Neck Liposuction Procedure Performed?

During the liposuction procedure, one or more incisions are made near the area to be treated. When possible, the incisions are made within the fold or natural creases in skin. A small hollow tube called a cannula is then inserted through the incision in order to penetrate the underlying fat. The cannula connects to a flexible tubing and suction pump. Dr. Wall then moves the cannula back and forth through the fat, vacuuming the fat out through the tube.

How Long Does Chin Lipo Last?

On average, a chin liposuction procedure lasts between 1 to 2 hours.  The length of the procedure depends on the complexity of the procedure and any additional work being performed at the time of the procedure.

neck and chin liposuction shreveport

Neck and Chin Lipo Recovery

Chin and neck liposuction recovery, for most people, lasts about 1-3 weeks.  This varies on several factors and depends on how carefully the recovery instructions are followed. 

It is not uncommon to experience bruising or swelling after the procedure.  A compression garment is worn for a few days following your liposuction.  This aids in the healing process and ensures your results remain even.

Another aspect of the recovery to consider is the need to avoid sun damage.  Sun exposure should be minimized. Protective clothing and sunscreen should be worn whenever possible.

Neck and Chin Lipo Results

Patients see results almost immediately.  Once the swelling and any discoloration from bruising disappears, individuals find themselves with a much smoother, firmer neck and chin area.  The longevity of the results depends largely on how effectively the patient maintains a healthy weight following liposuction.  While eliminated fatty tissue does not return, the existing fatty tissue can expand through weight gain.

Those who seek to slim their cheeks in addition to their chin and neck may also consider a Shreveport buccal fat removal procedure.

Is Chin Lipo Permanent?

For the most part, the results can be permanent.  This ultimately depends on the individual and any weight gained following the procedure. In order for the maximum benefit, it is recommended that patients remain at a similar weight.

Chin Liposuction Cost in Shreveport

A typical procedure for chin and neck liposuction ranges in cost based on many factors.  The quality and experience of your surgeon play a large role.  The number of procedures also determines how expensive or affordable liposuction ends up being.  

chin and neck lipo shreveport

Chin and Neck Lipo Risks

Chin and neck liposuction is a common procedure that thousands of patients undergo each year.  Major complications are rare, although the possibility of an undesirable outcome is always present when involving surgery.  Typical, moderate bruising is common, but in some instances, it can be more severe.  This occurs primarily when multiple sites undergo a procedure simultaneously.  Fluid accumulation, asymmetry, or unevenness can occur, resulting in additional treatment.

Can I Get Results Without Neck or Chin Lipo Surgery?

There are many techniques and procedures that a qualified surgeon can guide you through.

For individuals that prefer non-invasive procedures, The Plastic Surgery Center offers FaceTite in Shreveport.  This non-surgical treatment uses Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL) to tighten and lift loose aging skin.

FaceTite can work in conjunction with liposuction if there are excess fatty deposits that need surgical removal.

During your consultation with the Plastic Surgery Center, be sure to ask your team for more information about the various options for fat removal and resculpting.

Interested in Neck or Chin Liposuction in Shreveport?  Contact The Plastic Surgery Center

Dr. Forrest Wall is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon serving the north Louisiana area. For more information about chin and neck liposuction, as well as FaceTite call The Plastic Surgery Center at 318-221-1629 for Dr. Wall’s Shreveport location. For Dr. Wall’s Monroe location, call 318-812-0182. You can also send us a message on our website.