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Drain Free Tummy Tucks in Shreveport

drain free tummy tuck shreveport

Have you thought about getting a tummy tuck but have concerns about recovery? Are you worried about the discomfort and inconvenience of drains, drain-related scarring, a slower return to your daily routine, or long stretches off work? Both men and women undergo tummy tuck surgery. However, this popular procedure involves significant downtime and discomfort that may increase when physicians use tummy tuck drains after surgery.

Luckily, not all tummy tucks utilize the same procedure, and patients may select the surgical option that best fits their needs. Patients don’t have to empty a drain or worry about extra fluid with a no drain tummy tuck.

Please call The Plastic Surgery Center at (318) 221-1629 to see how we can transform your tummy tuck experience with a Shreveport Drain-Free Certified tummy tuck specialist.

What is a No Drain Tummy Tuck?

A drainless tummy tuck uses a layered technique that uses traditional sutures or surgical adhesive that eliminates the need for postoperative drains.

As a result, a no-drain tummy tuck eliminates the space where fluid may accumulate. Rather than allowing the tissues and abdominal wall to heal slowly, the procedure hastens the healing process by stitching the affected areas together. 

The lack of drains makes recovery easier for patients and may aid in achieving better results. The progressive suturing method in this procedure provides even tension that helps make the healed scar less noticeable. After a traditional tummy tuck, patients must remain bent at the waist for several days. The no drain tummy tuck method allows for upright walking after surgery which speeds healing and improves the patient experience. 

As previously mentioned, using a compression garment after the procedure helps with swelling and speeds up the healing process. In fact, most patients may be able to resume their normal activities within 1 to 2 weeks. Optimal results should be noticeable within 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. 

The procedure often combines liposuction and a traditional tummy tuck or may be used as part of a mommy makeover in Shreveport.

What Are Surgical Drains?

Surgical drains are thin, clear silicone tubes that drain fluid after a surgical procedure. Physicians insert the drains into minute incisions made behind the surgical incision. These drains reach into the area between the pubic area and rib cage or through a smaller space in the incision made in the lower belly.

Drains do precisely what their name implies: they drain blood and serous fluid from the body. The number of drains placed after surgery depends on the surgery type, body part, and surgeon’s preference. 

Drains may cause mild discomfort depending on their size and location. Generally, drains are not painful; however, each patient’s experience is unique, and pain may vary by drain size. 

What Are the Benefits of a No Drain Tummy Tuck?

Drains can be very uncomfortable for patients and may limit their mobility and restrict sleeping positions in the days following the procedure. Caring for a surgical drain and emptying, monitoring, and cleaning it may require a loved one’s help.

The no drain tummy tuck eliminates these issues. Patients are less likely to develop infections or seromas, recover faster, and experience less pain after surgery. 

What is a Tummy Tuck Seroma?

A seroma is an accumulation of fluids that build beneath the surface of the skin. The condition sometimes develops after surgery and is commonly associated with tummy tucks. Drains are placed after a traditional tummy tuck to avoid fluid build-up. 

Are There Downsides to a No Drain Tummy Tuck?

The downsides to undergoing a tummy tuck surgery without drains include a more extended surgery and an increased risk of seroma formation. As previously mentioned, a seroma develops when fluid collects beneath the skin after a surgical procedure or trauma.

Plastic surgeons place drainage tubes after a traditional tummy tuck to prevent the formation of seromas. The risk of internal fluid accumulation is higher after a no-drain procedure. The lack of drains means your physician must drain it with a needle if a seroma develops. Seromas are easily treatable; however, they are a condition that traditional tummy tuck mostly avoids.

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No Drain Tummy Tuck Recovery and Drain Care

Unless your physician says it’s safe to do so, avoid submerging the incision site in water while it heals or drains are in place. Be sure to shield the drains so they cannot be pulled free from the body. Some patients use bandage tape to keep their drains in place. 

Checking the incision site for signs of infection is another vital aspect of tummy tuck recovery. The excess fluid draining from the tubes collects in a bulb that patients empty when it becomes full. Your physician may ask that you keep track of the fluid output.

Most patients require two weeks off work while they recover. Patients wear an abdominal binder during the recovery period that helps support the healing muscles. The binder also helps stem fluid build-up at the surgical site and speeds healing.

Drains do precisely what their name implies: they drain blood and serous fluid from the body. The number of drains placed after surgery depends on the surgery type, body part, and surgeon’s preference. 

Drains may cause mild discomfort depending on their size and location. Generally, drains are not painful; however, each patient’s experience is unique, and pain may vary by drain size.

What Do Drains Do After a Tummy Tuck?

During a Shreveport tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), your plastic surgeon removes stretched or excess skin left behind by multiple pregnancies or weight loss. Removing the extra skin leaves a space between the abdominal wall and the fat layer and skin above it that may fill with serous fluid or plasma. Tummy tuck drains generally remove plasma first and then serous fluid. Plasma is red or pink, while serous is clear or yellow. 

After the surgery, the body fills this void with fluid to help cushion the injured area. Even though this is a normal reaction, the fluids cause swelling and pain. The body drains fluids following minor injuries. However, fluid often floods the surgical site after a procedure, and the body cannot drain it quickly enough.

Surgical drains aid in faster healing by speeding up the draining process and avoiding swelling and infection.  

When Are Drains Removed After a Tummy Tuck?

A patient’s drains remain in place for 5 to 7 days after a tummy tuck procedure. Drain removal does not usually cause pain, though the tube sliding out of the body may be a strange sensation. 

Your physician, a nurse, or another healthcare provider may remove the drains. Afterward, they may apply a dressing to the incision or leave it uncovered. Stitches are usually unnecessary but continue avoiding bathtubs or swimming pools for several days. 

How Much Does a No Drain Tummy Tuck Cost?

The cost of a no-drain tummy tuck typically ranges higher than a traditional procedure. The reason for the added cost is the extended operation time. A no-drain tummy tuck procedure takes more time to complete, and the total cost reflects the expense of a longer surgery. A tummy tuck without drains costs between $8,000 to $20,000

The cost of your no drain tummy tuck depends on your surgeon’s skill and experience, geographic location, and the medical facility where your physician performs your surgery.

The Plastic Surgery Center offers convenient financing and payment plans to make a drain-free tummy tuck accessible and affordable for our clients.

Is a Shreveport No-Drain Tummy Tuck Right For You?

The no-drain tummy tuck works well for many patients, particularly those undergoing a mini tummy tuck. The procedure eliminates the void between the abdominal wall and the fatty layer beneath the skin. As a result, drains are unnecessary. 

 However, a traditional tummy tuck with surgical drains is ideal for some patients. The procedure is the better option for patients who receive an extended tummy tuck. An extended tummy tuck includes extensive tissue removal and a longer scar. 

Shreveport liposuction adds additional trauma and fluid to the area, increasing the risk of seroma. Therefore, a no-drain procedure is not recommended if the surgery includes liposuction. Drains are best placed in these patients immediately to avoid repeated sticks to drain excess fluid.

 A tummy tuck is an aesthetic plastic surgery procedure that provides body contouring. Candidates for the surgery include men and women who are in good shape but wish to remove stubborn fat deposits or loose skin. Women should postpone surgery if they expect to bear more children, as a subsequent pregnancy may reverse surgical results.

Call The Plastic Surgery Center Today to Discuss Your Drain-Free Tummy Tuck!

Feeling comfortable in your skin is very important. The Plastic Surgery Center takes pride in helping our patients attain their desired physique and reclaim their confidence. Having children or losing significant weight are exciting accomplishments that may leave loose or excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles. A drain-free tummy tuck removes this skin, repairs and tightens muscles, and reduces fluid buildup at the surgical site.  

Call The Plastic Surgery Center if you’re interested in pursuing the body of your dreams but don’t want the hassle of drains after tummy tuck. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Forrest Wall discusses the pros and cons of the procedure with you and determines whether you’re a good candidate for this cosmetic surgery procedure. Call (318) 221-1629 for a consultation.

In addition to Shreveport drain-free tummy tuck, The Plastic Surgery Center performs additional face and body procedures such as Shreveport breast augmentation, Shreveport lower body lift, Shreveport facelift, Shreveport BOTOX injections, and much more.