The way we present ourselves to the world is an important part of life. It’s not just about how you look at others on the outside but also how you feel about yourself in your own mind. For women, feeling confident in their bodies can be difficult at times due to pregnancy, aging, or societal pressures in general. This is why women often come to us seeking procedures such as a breast lift in Shreveport.
A breast lift is a procedure that removes excess skin and tissue from a woman’s breasts to help them appear more youthful and perky. The scars left behind from this surgery are designed to be as minimal as possible so women can feel sexy in their new bodies without worrying about excessive scars. Unfortunately, as with any procedure that requires an incision, breast lift scars are often inevitable.
The best thing you can do personally to reduce the potential for scars is to choose an experienced, highly qualified surgeon in your area. Dr. Forrest Wall at The Plastic Surgery Center is a board-certified surgeon with years of experience in procedures such as Shreveport breast augmentation and lifts.
As an internationally-known pioneer in his field, Dr. Wall uses his extensive knowledge and training to deliver only the best results for his patients. This means he goes above and beyond to ensure you’re left with the most minimal scarring possible.
Does a Breast Lift Leave Scars?
You should always expect some scarring after any type of surgery where an incision has been made. This includes breast augmentations or lifts. Your surgeon will do their best to minimize these scars, but they are, for the most part, inevitable.
So, what will your scars look like after a breast lift? Well, the size and shape of the scar simply depend on the skill of the surgeon and the technique in which he or she uses. There are a number of different procedures that fall under the category of a breast lift. Thus, the scarring left afterward will depend on the implant placement and types of procedure your surgeon chooses to use. Dr. Wall will make this decision based on his findings at your initial consultation.
What Do Breast Lift Scars Look Like?
There are several surgical techniques your doctor may choose from when conducting your breast lift. Each type of technique used determines what your scarring is going to look like. Your surgeon will discuss these options with you in greater detail at your in-person consultation. You can see some of Dr. Wall’s previous clients and their breast lift results.
Crescent Lift
The crescent lift is the technique that will result in the least amount of scarring, as it only requires a single small incision along the top half of the areola. The crescent lift, however, is generally combined with a breast augmentation and reserved for women with very minimal breast sagging. The remaining scar will appear as a half-circle above the areola.
Peri-Areolar or “Donut” Lift
A peri-areolar or donut lift describes just what you think it might. It requires an incision tracing the entire outer part of the areola in a circular or “donut” shape. The resulting scar hugs the edges of the areola.
This technique is essentially the middle ground between a crescent lift and an anchor lift. It is most commonly used for women with mild sagging and, like a crescent lift, is often used in conjunction with a breast augmentation. It may also be beneficial for women seeking to decrease the size or alter the shape of their areola.
Vertical or “Lollipop” Lift
The lollipop lift is perhaps the most common breast lift technique used. Two small incisions are made in each breast to remove excess skin and reshape the breast. One incision is made around the areola, like a donut lift, and then another from the bottom of the areola to the crease below. The incisions (and therefore scars) resemble the shape of a lollipop, hence its namesake.
Inverted T or “Anchor” Lift
An inverted T or anchor lift is often the best choice for women with a considerable amount of sagging to the breasts. This type of surgical technique requires three incisions. Like the lollipop lift, one incision is made along the outer edge of the areola while another goes down to the crease. In addition to these incisions is a third incision along the inframammary fold, which is hidden in the crease of the breast or “underboob area.” Because of the extent of this surgery, the anchor lift results in the most significant amount of scarring and resembles (surprise!) an anchor.
How Long For Breast Lift Scars to Fade?
Breast lift incision scars vary from person to person in the amount of time they take to heal. This is largely due to genetics. Some people may heal relatively quickly, while others might take quite a while.
Incisions upon the breast area will remain red and potentially lumpy for about six weeks post-op. After six weeks, the incision site will start to develop a firm healing ridge. It will take another six months or so before this solid ridge begins to soften. For those with very fair or dark skin, it may take a year to two years for the scar to completely heal and reveal its final color. The scar may appear to be significantly darker, lighter, or even the same color as the surrounding skin.
How to Get a Breast Lift Without Scars
There is generally no way to completely avoid breast lift scars, but there are steps you can take in order to reduce or fade them. Some patients heal perfectly fine without taking any measures to reduce scarring. However, others may seek extra help to boost the healing process.
How to Get Rid of Breast Lift Scars
With your doctor’s permission, usually around six weeks post-op, you may begin applying silicone gel or scar cream. In addition to creams or gel, there are also silicone adhesive strips or sheets that work well to reduce the tension on the incision site. These silicone sheets also work to fade the scar over time. They do so by providing hydration to recent incisions to prevent overdrying, itchiness, and pain, as well as the development of excess scar tissue. You can purchase over-the-counter scar sheets at your local drugstore.
Breast Lift Scar Revision
Other scar revisions are also an option, like laser therapy, for example. Laser therapy works to penetrate both the outer and inner layers of skin to reduce pigmentation.
While your scars are healing, there are some behaviors that you should avoid to reduce scarring and promote healing. The behaviors that you should avoid include:
- Heavy lifting (until completely healed)
- Excessive exfoliation, scratching, or scrubbing of the incision site
- Smoking
- Tanning
It’s important that you discuss your scarring concerns with your surgeon to find out what to avoid and what post-breast lift treatment will work the most in your favor.
Shreveport Breast Lift Surgeon
Dr. Forrest Wall at The Plastic Surgery Center has been producing beautiful, long-lasting results for patients in the Ark-La-Tex area for several years. Dr. Wall does everything in his power to ensure that each patient achieves the most desirable results with the least amount of scarring possible. If you have any more questions or concerns regarding breast lift scars, contact our offices today! You can call us in Shreveport at 318-221-1629 or our Monroe center at 318-812-0182. You can also leave a message via The Plastic Surgery Center website.